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Hati, K.M., Chaudhary R.S., Mandal K.G., Bandyopadhyay K.K., Singh, R.K., Sinha, Nishant.K., Mohanty, M., Somasundaram, J.Saha, R. (2015) Effects of tillage, residue and fertilizer nitrogen on crop yields, and soil physical properties pnderpoybean–wheat potation in Vertisols of central India. Agricultural Research 4 (1): 48-56
Kushwaa, V., K.M. Hati, Nishant K.Sinha, R.K.Singh, M.Mohanty, J.Somasundaram, R.C.Jain , R.S.Chaudhary, A.K.Biswas, Ashok K.Patra(2016).Long-term conservation tillage effect on soil organic carbon and available phosphorous content in Vertisols of central India.Agricultural Research doi 10.1007/s40003-016-0223-9.
Awanish Kumar, Somasundaram J., A.K.Biswas, Nishant K.Sinha, V.N.Mishra, R.S.Chaudhary, M.Mohanty, J.K. Thakur and A.K.Patra (2016). Soil organic carbon, dehydrogenase activity and fluorescein diacetate as influenced by contrasting tillage and cropping systems in Vertisols of Central India, International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management (Accepted).
Awanish Kumar, Somasundaram J., A.K.Biswas, Nishant K.Sinha, V.N.Mishra, R.S.Chaudhary, M.Mohanty, K.M.Hati, R.Saha, and A.K.Patra. 2016. Short-Term Effect of Conservation Agriculture Practices on Soil Quality in Vertisols of Central India. Journal of Applied Biological Research (Accepted).
Bhattacharyya, R., Bhatia, A., Das, T. K., Lata S., Kumar, A. Tomer, R., Singh, G., Kumar, S., and Biswas, A.K. 2018. Short-Term Aggregate–associated N and global warming potential of conservation agriculture-based cropping of maize-wheat system in the north-western Indo–Gangetic Plains.India. Soil & Tillage Research.182:66-77.
Das, T.K., Saharawat, Y.S., Bhattacharyya, R., Sudhishri, S., Bandyopadhyay, K. K., Sharma, A.R. and Jat, M. L. 2018. Short-Term Conservation agriculture effects on crop and water productivity, profitability and soil organic carbon accumulation under a maize-wheat cropping system in the North-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Field Crops Research 215:222-231.
Oyeogbe, A.I., Das, T.K. and Bandyopadhyay, K. K. 2018. Short-Term Agronomic productivity, nitrogen fertilizer savings, and soil organic carbon in conservation agriculture: Efficient nitrogen and weed management in maize-wheat system. India. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. DOI: 10. 1080/03650340. 2018.1446524.
Mahammad, A., Sudhishri, S., Singh, M., Das, T. K.,Sharma, V.K. and Dwivedi, N. 2018. Short-Term Performance evaluation of AquaCrop model for conservation agriculture based direct seeded rice.India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences.88(3): 379-386.
Aggarwal, P., Bhattacharyya, R., Mishra, A.K., Das, T.K., Šimůnek, J., Pramanik, P., Sudhishri, S., Vashisth, A., Krishnan, P., Chakraborty, D. and Kamble, K.H. 2017.Modelling soil water balance and root water uptake in cotton grown under different soil conservation practices in the Indo-Gangetic Plains. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.240: 287–299.
Oyeogbe, A.I., Das, T.K., Bhatia, A. and Singh, S. B. 2017.Adaptive nitrogen and integrated weed management in conservation agriculture: impacts on agronomic productivity, greenhouse gas emissions and herbicide residues. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.189(4):198.
M Raghavendra, Singh, Y.V., Das, T.K. and Meena, M. C. 2017. Effect of crop residue and potassium management practices on productivity and economics of conservation agriculture based maize (Zea mays)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 87 (7): 855–61.
Nath, C.P., Das, T.K., Rana, K.S., Bhattacharyya, R., Pathak, H., Paul, S., Meena, M. C. and Singh, S. B. 2017. Weed and nitrogen management effects on weed infestation and crop productivity of wheat–mungbean sequence in conventional and conservation tillage practices. Agricultural Research 6 (1): 33–46.
Nath, C.P., Das, T.K., Bhattacharyya, R., Pathak, H., Paul, S., Chakraborty, D. and Hazra, K.K. 2017. Nitrogen effects on productivity and soil properties in conventional and zero tilled wheat with different residue management. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India, Section B:Biological Sciences.1-13 doi:10.1007/s40011-017-0919-z.
Singh KP, Saha KP, Singh Dushyant, Singh CD, Singh RC, Tripathi H, Bhushana Babu V. 2016. Performance Evaluation of Tractor Operated Raised Bed Former-cum-Seeder for Maize– Chickpea Cropping Sequence. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 52 (1), 1-8.
Singh C D; R C Singh; K. P. Singh and Ramadhar Singh (2016). A sensor network for monitoring soil moisture and temperature under permanent bed in vertisol. International Journal of Innovative Studies in Science and Engineering Technology (IJISSET), Vol. 2 (9): pp 8-12.
Singh, Dushyant, Nandede, B.M; Singh, A.K. and Singh R.S. (2018). Effect of heat treatment on wear rate of different agricultural grade steels and associated cost. Economics Affairs, 63(1): 203-208.
Bhaskar Narjary, Satyendra Kumar, Ranbir Singh, S.K.Singh and D.K.Kamra(2015) .Farmer participatory Appraisal of laser leveling to improve water productivity.Indian farming 64 (11), 5-7.
H.S. Jat, Gurbachan Singh, Ranbir Singh, M. Chaudhary, M.L. Jat, M.K.Gathala & D.K.Sharma (2015) Management influence on maize-wheat system performance, water productivity and soil biology. Soil Use and Management 31(4), 534-543.
Ranbir Singh, R.S. Tripathi, D.K. Sharma, S.K. Chaudhari, P.K. Joshi, P. Dey, S.K. Sharma, D.P. Sharma and Gurbachan Singh (2015) Effect of direct seeded rice on yield, water productivity and saving of farm energy in reclaimed sodic soil. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 43(3), 230-235.
Y.P. Singh, Ranbir Singh, D.K. Sharma, V. K. Mishra and Sanjay Arora (2016) Optimizing gypsum levels for amelioration of sodic soils to enhance grain yield and quality of rice (Orzya sativa L.). Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, vol. 64(1) pp 33-40 DOI: 10.5958/0974- 0228.2016.00005.0.
Choudhary, V.K. and Singh, P.K. 2017. Crop residue management for improving soil and crop productivity in cereal based cropping system. In: Souvenir National Conference on Managing soil health for sustainable and nutritional food production. 28-29 October, 2017 at JNKVV, Jabalpur. Pp.107-115.
Singh, V.P., Barman, K.K., Singh, P.K., Singh, R. and Dixit, A. 2017. Managing weeds in rice (Oryza sativa) - wheat (Triticum aestivum)-greengram (Vigna radiata) system under conservation agriculture in black cotton soils. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87(6): 739-745.
Singh, V.P., Barman, K.K., Singh, P.K., Singh, R. and Dixit, A. 2017. Managing weeds in rice (Oryza sativa) - wheat (Triticum aestivum)-greengram (Vigna radiata) system under conservation agriculture in black cotton soils. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87(6): 739-745.
Singh, P.K., Sondhia, S., Dubey, R.P., Sushilkumar, Kumar, B., Gharde, Y. and Choudhary, V.K. 2017. An analysis on adoption and impact of conservation agriculture technology in conjunction with weed management in wheat and greengram in central India. Indian Journal of Weed Science. 49(1):23-28.
Sharma, A.R., Mishra, J.S. and Singh, P.K. 2017. Conservation agriculture for improving crop productivity and profitability in the non-Indo-Gangetic region of India.Current Advances in Agricultural Sciences 9(2):178-185.
Sondhia S. and Singh, P.K. 2018. Bio-efficacy and monitoring of terminal residue of pendimethalin in field soil and plants at farmers field following an application to the chickpea. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Communicated).
Bhattacharyya, R., Bhatia, A., Das, T. K., Lata S., Kumar, A., Tomer, R., Singh, G., Kumar, S., and Biswas, A.K. 2018. Aggregate–associated N and global warming potential of conservation agriculture-based cropping of maize-wheat system in the north-western Indo–Gangetic Plains.Soil & Tillage Research. 182:66-77.
Das, T.K., Saharawat, Y.S., Bhattacharyya, R., Sudhishri, S., Bandyopadhyay, K. K., Sharma, A.R. and Jat, M. L. 2018. Conservation agriculture effects on crop and water productivity, profitability and soil organic carbon accumulation under a maize-wheat cropping system in the North-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Field Crops Research 215:222-231.
Oyeogbe, A.I., Das, T.K. and Bandyopadhyay, K. K. 2018. Agronomic productivity, nitrogen fertilizer savings, and soil organic carbon in conservation agriculture: Efficient nitrogen and weed management in maize-wheat system. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science.DOI:10.1080/03650340. 2018.1446524.
Mahammad, A., Sudhishri, S., Singh, M., Das, T. K., Sharma, V.K. and Dwivedi, N. 2018. Performance evaluation of AquaCrop model for conservation agriculture based direct seeded rice . Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 88(3): 379-386.
Aggarwal, P., Bhattacharyya, R., Mishra, A.K., Das, T.K., Šimůnek, J., Pramanik, P., Sudhishri, S., Vashisth, A., Krishnan, P., Chakraborty, D. and Kamble, K.H. 2017. Modelling soil water balance and root water uptake in cotton grown under different soil conservation practices in the Indo-Gangetic Plains . Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 240: 287–299.
Oyeogbe, A.I., Das, T.K., Bhatia, A. and Singh, S. B. 2017.Adaptive nitrogen and integrated weed management in conservation agriculture: impacts on agronomic productivity, greenhouse gas emissions and herbicide residues .
M Raghavendra, Singh, Y.V., Das, T.K. and Meena, M. C. 2017. Effect of crop residue and potassium management practices on productivity and economics of conservation agriculture based maize (Zea mays)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system . Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 87 (7): 855–61.
Nath, C.P., Das, T.K., Rana, K.S., Bhattacharyya, R., Pathak, H., Paul, S., Meena, M. C. and Singh, S. B. 2017. Weed and nitrogen management effects on weed infestation and crop productivity of wheat–mungbean sequence in conventional and conservation tillage practices. Agricultural Research 6 (1): 33–46.
Nath, C.P., Das, T.K., Bhattacharyya, R., Pathak, H., Paul, S., Chakraborty, D. and Hazra, K.K. 2017. Nitrogen effects on productivity and soil properties in conventional and zero tilled wheat with different residue management. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India, Section B: Biological Sciences .1-13 doi:10.1007/s40011-017-0919-z.
ChhokarR.S., R.K. Sharma, S.C. Gill, RK Singh, VikasJoon, MamtaKajla and Ankur Chaudhary. 2018. Suitable wheat cultivars and seeding machines for conservation agriculture in rice-wheat and sugarcane-wheat cropping systems. Wheat and Barley Research 10 (2): 78-88.
Choudhary, R.L., Wakchaure, G.C., Minhas, P.S. and Singh, A.K. 2017. Response of Ratoon Sugarcane to Stubble Shaving, Off-barring, Root Pruning and Band Placement of Basal Fertilisers with a Multi-purpose Drill Machine. Sugar Tech19(1):33–40. (NAAS rating: 6.83).
Banwari Lai; A. K. Nayak; B. B. Panda; P. Bihari; PriyankaGautam; R. Tripathi; M. Shahid; P. K. Guru; D. Chatterjee; U. Kumar (2018). Assessment of N2O emission and soil health in maize under zero tillage. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.
Mishra JS and Kumar.2017.Conservation tillage and weed management in small holder Agriculture: Issues and Opportunities. Current Advances in Agricultural Sciences 9 (2):186-189.
Somasundaram J, Chaudhary, R S, Awanish Kumar, Biswas A.K., Sinha N.K,. Mohanty M, Hati K. M., Jha P, Sankar, M, Patra, A.K, Ram Dalal and Chaudhari, S.K. (2018). Effect of contrasting tillage and cropping systems on soil aggregation, aggregate-associated carbon and carbon pools under in Rainfed Vertisols. European Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 69, 879–891; DOI: 10.1111/ejss.12692.