Page 332 - index
P. 332

Crops and cropping systems
               About  79%  of  the  net  cultivated  area  is  under  rice,  wheat,  maize  and  pulses  followed  by
               sugarcane and oilseeds. Rice occupies 44%, wheat 19.85% and maize 9.1% of the gross cropped
               area. Among the oilseeds, rapeseed and mustard, and linseed occupy the major area.In irrigated
               region, rice-wheat and maize-wheat rotations are very popular. Both Kharifand Rabimaize, and
               sugarcane  are  taken  by  large  numbers  of  progressive  farmers.  Under  un-irrigated  situations,
               mixed  cropping  of  maize  and  pigeonpea  in  uplands  is  a  common  feature.  In  low  lands,  rice
               followed by gram or rice followed by barley+pea is a popular rotation. Among the cash crops,
               tobacco and chillies are the most important crops. The multiple cropping involving jute, rice, and
               wheat  sequence  is  very  much  popular  with  large  number  of  progressive  cultivators  having
               assured irrigation facilities.

               Fertilizer consumption
               Total  consumption  of  N,  P 2O 5  and  K 2O  was  10,53,005,  3,08,848  and  1,46,721  tonnes,
               respectively, and  consumption  of ZnSO 4  was 671 and 966 tonnes in  Kharif  and  Rabi  season,
               respectively in 2016-17.
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