Page 208 - index
P. 208

potato, banana, areca nut, turmeric and ginger. Tea, of course, is the pride of Assam. Rice is the
               most  important  food  crop  grown  in  about  61.2  and  90.5%  of  gross  and  net  cropped  area,
               respectively. Among spice crop chillies, turmeric and ginger share most area under spices (0.94
               lakh ha). Banana is the most important fruit though the area under pineapple, orange and Assam
               lemon  cannot  be  ignored.  Fruit  occupy  1.32  lakh  ha  of  area.  Vegetable  cultivation  has  got
               momentum in recent times (2.66 lakh ha) due to high profitability of which Rabi vegetables are
               more important (69.8%) cole crop, tomato, brinjal, ridge gourd, cowpea, beans are popular. The
               dominant major cropping systems are rice–fallow, rice–toria, Kharif vegetables–Rabi vegetables
               etc.  Rice  is  grown  in  varied  ecosystem  viz.rainfed/  irrigated  upland,  lowland,  flood–free  and
               flood–prone  medium  land,  deep  water  and  hill  ecosystem.  Among  the  predominant  crop
               sequence the following  viz.winter rice-toria-autumn rice, winter rice-wheat/toria/pulses, winter
               rice-vegetables-jute  and  winter  rice–autumn  rice  are  the  main  crop  sequence  followed  in  the
               rice–based cropping system.

               Fertilizer consumption

               Regarding fertilizer consumption, small farmers generally apply very low quantity of N, P and K
               chemical  fertilizers.  In  Assam,  secondary fertilizers are not  used. However, they apply single
               super phosphate as source of phosphorus through which some quantities of sulphur is added to
               soil.  In  case  of  micronutrient  application,  mostly  borax  and  micronutrient  mixture  mainly
               multiplex are applied by medium and large farmers for vegetables, coconut etc. The fertilizer
               consumption for the year 2016-17 for NPK fertilizer are 153506, 37614 and 39845 tonnes and
               the  fertilizer  consumption  in  the  state  is  estimated  to  be  55.03  kg  ha ,  and  consumption  of
               ZnSO 4 was 94 and 2,265 tonnes in Kharif and Rabi season, respectively for the year 2016-17.
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