Page 31 - index
P. 31

North-eastern Hills (Purvachal)

             North-eastern  Hills  (Purvachal)  with  warm  per-humid  climate  includes  hilly  states  of
             Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur,  Mizoram and southern Tripura. The AER covers an area of
             10.6 m ha, with shallow to very deep, loamy, red and lateritic and red  and  yellow  soils. Rice
             is  the  dominant  crop grown in valleys and on hill terraces. Millets, maize and  potatoes  are
             cultivated  on  terraces  at  higher  altitudes, while rice and  jute are  grown under  rainfed
             condition. Oilseeds (mustard) and  pulses (black gram, green gram, lentil) are  cultivated in
             valleys  as  post-rainy  season  crops.  Deficiency  of Zn and B was  prevalent  in the area of
             Purvachal  (Eastern  Range)  with  9.9  and  20.3%  samples  falling  in  deficient  range,
             respectively. Few soil samples also exhibited Cu, Fe and Mn deficiency.

                           Map 4. Mn deficiency in the soils of different AESRs of India

             Eastern Coastal Plain

             Eastern Coastal Plain  with hot  sub-humid  to semiarid  climate extends from  Kanyakumari  to
             Gangetic  Delta.  The  AER  covers  an  area  of  8.5  m  ha,  and  is divided  into  five  AESRs.
             The main  crops  cultivated  in  the area are r i c e   and  coconut. In some  parts,  pulses  such  as
             black gram  and  lentil, and  oilseed crops such as  sunflower and  groundnut are cultivated after
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