Page 28 - index
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Rice is cultivated at many places under irrigation.  Deficiency of Zn (73.3%), Fe (18.9%) and
             Cu (1 7 .9%) are observed in the area of  Tamil  Nadu  Uplands and Leeward  Flanks  of South
             Sahyadris. The deficiency of B (49.3%) w a s  p r e v a l e n t  i n   Central Karnataka  Plateau
             whereas tha t of  Mn (11.9%) was maximum in the Tamil Nadu Uplands and Plains.

             Northern Plain

             The Northern Plain with hot sub humid (dry)  eco-region is dominated  by alluvium-derived  deep
             loamy  soils  of  the  northern  Indo-Gangetic  Plain,  including  piedmont  Plain  of  the  western
             Himalayas. It occupies an area of 12.l m ha, and characterized by hot summer and  cool winter.
             The  crops  grown are  rice,  maize,  barley,  pigeon pea  and  jute  in  kharif  season,  and  wheat,
             mustard  and  lentil  in  rabi  season.  Rohilkhand,  Avadh  and  south  Bihar  Plains  exhibited  the
             highest  deficiency  of  Zn  (38.4%),  Fe  (18.7%)  and  B  (31.8%),  whereas  in  the  Punjab  and
             Rohilkhand plains, showed the  deficiency of Mn (28.4%).

             Central Highlands (Malwa and Bundelkhand)

             Central Highland s (Malwa  and  Bundelkhand)  with  hot  sub-humid (dry) climate is comprised
             of  four  AESRs. Mainly  red  and  black  soils cover  part  of  Malwa  plateau  and  Bundelkhand
             uplands including  Baghelkhand  plateau,  Narmada valley,  Vindhyan  scarp lands and northern
             fringe  of  Maharashtra  plateau, encompassing some districts of Madhya  Pradesh,  with  22.3  m
             ha  area. Rice,  sorghum,  pigeon pea and soybean are common crops grown  in  kharif, whereas
             gram, wheat and vegetables are major rabi  crops.  Kharif crops are  totally rain-fed,  whereas rabi
             crops  are partly  irrigated  at critical  growth  stages.  Analysis  of  13445  soil  samples  revealed
             widespread S and  Zn  deficiency  in  the  region. Highest  Zn deficiency (68.8%)  was noticed in
             the Malwa Plateau followed by  Vindhyan scarp land and Bundelkhand Plateau. The deficiency
             of  Fe  ranged  from  5.3  to  26.7%  with  highest  deficiency  in  the  Satpura  and  Eastern
             Maharashtra Plateau.  Deficiency of  Cu (3.6%)  and  Mn  (6.3%)  was  not  prevalent  in  the  area
             of  Vindhyan  scarp land and  Bundelkhand  plateau. Satpura range and Wainganga  Valley was
             the  sub-region where  the  maximum B deficiency (6.5%) was observed, otherwise all other
             AESRs showed negligible B deficiency.

             Chhattisgarh/Mahanadi Basin

             Chhattisgarh/Mahanadi  Basin  with  hot,  sub-humid  climate  covering  Chhattisgarh  and  south
             west highlands of Bihar occupies an area of 14.l  m ha.  The  soils  of  the  area  are  deep  loamy
             non-calcareous and  neutral  to slightly  acidic in  reaction.  Cultivation of  rice,  millets,  pigeon
             pea,  moong  (green  peas)  and  black  gram  is  practiced  in  kharif  season.  About  31.0%  and
             29.5%  samples  showed  deficiency  B and Zn,  respectively, whereas the  deficiency  of Mn
             was recorded in  13.2% of the samples analysed.

             Eastern Plateau (Chhotanagpur)

             The Eastern Plateau  (Chhotanagpur) and Eastern Ghats  hot  and  sub-humid region  constitutes
             Chhotanagpur Plateau  of Bihar,  western  parts  of  West  Bengal, eastern  Ghats  (Dandakaranya
             and  Garhjat  hills)  of  Odisha  and  Bastar  Region  of  Chhattisgarh  with an area of 26.8 m  ha.
             The  soil  of  the  region  varies  from  fine  loamy  to  clayey,  non-calcareous  and  slightly  to
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