Page 32 - index
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rice (on  residual  moisture).  Analysis of soil  samples  exhibited  wide  spread  deficiency  of  Zn
             (76.7%), Cu (23.8%)  and B  (33.6%) in  South  Tamil Nadu Plains (Coastal). Deficiency  of Mn
             (9.6%) was recorded in North  Tamil Nadu Plains (Coastal). Deficiency of F e  ranged from 0  to
             11.5% with  highest deficiency in  Andhra plains.

             Wes tern Ghats an d  Coastal Plain

             Western Ghats and  Coastal Plain with  hot humid and per-humid climate comprised of three
             AESRs. This agro-ecoregion  comprises  Sahyadris,  western  coastal  plains  of  Maharashtra,
             Karnataka  and K e r a l a  states including Nilgiri hills of Tamil Nadu. It occupies   an  area  of
             11.1 m ha.  The  major  soils  of the  region include red  and laterite soils  along  the  leeward
             flank  of  Sahyadris  and  the  alluvium-derived  soils  in  the coastal   plains.  The climate  is
             characterized  by  hot  and  humid  summer  and  warm  winter.  The  AER  is  intensively
             cultivated  with  rice,  tapioca,  coconut  and  spices.  Analysis  of  soil  samples  revealed
             deficiency  of  B   (37.7%),  particularly  i n   t h e   North  Sahyadris  and  Konkan  Coast.
             Deficiencies of Zn ranged  from  14.2-36.9% in Konkan, Karnataka and Kerala coastal plain,
             whereas those of Fe (6.8%), Cu  (6.7%) and  Mn (6.6%) were of sporadic nature.

                             Map 5. B deficiency in the soils of different AESRs of India
   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37