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               Soil health is a key component for sustainable agriculture. Continuous increase in agricultural
               productivity  is  necessary  for  providing  adequate  and  nutritious  food  to  growing  population
               impairing finite natural resources. The agrarian intensification for want of maximum productivity
               without following balanced fertilization caused serious negative impact on soil health.  Along with
               the  major  nutrients  (NPK),  there  has  been  a  considerable  decrease  in  the  secondary  and
               micronutrient  concentration  in  Indian  soils.  The  level  of  soil  fertility  decline,  especially
               micronutrients not only impacted agricultural production, but also showed potential negative effect
               on the quality of produce.

               It  is  a  well-recognized  fact  that  micronutrients  play  a  vital  role  in  achieving  sustainable  crop
               production. In recent years, widespread micro and secondary nutrient deficiencies beyond soil-plant
               system  have  drawn  attention  of  scientists,  policy  makers  and  other  stakeholders  towards
               management of micronutrients in soils. The best way of preventing micronutrient malnutrition is to
               mitigate  micronutrient  deficiencies  in  soils  and  crops  through  systematic  assessment  of
               micronutrients  status  in  soils  their  delineation  and  mapping  based  on  critical  limits,  and
               development of amelioration techniques for sustaining soil-crop productivity at farm level.

               An e-Atlas contain taluka-wise maps on micronutrient deficiencies in soils has been developed using
               data  generated  under  AICRP-MSPE  as  well  as  those  generated  by  other  agencies/scientists,
               covering large areas to improve our understanding regarding micronutrient problems in the country.
               These maps would be helpful in taking policy decisions regarding distribution of micronutrient
               fertilizers  to  the  deficient  regions.  Besides,  these  maps  will  be  of  immense  significance  in
               developing location-specific micronutrient recommendations to enhance crop production and their
               concentration  in  grain/fodder.  Efforts  have  been  made  to  suggest  amelioration  techniques  to
               alleviate  micronutrient  deficiencies  in  soil-plant  system  after  proper  validation  through  crop
               response trials.

               We  are  extremely  thankful  to  the  team  of  scientists  working  in  AICRP-MSPE  at  different
               SAUs/ICAR institutes for generating valuable information for the benefit of farmers and other

               We express sincere gratitude to Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary, DARE and Director General,
               Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi for his noble guidance, generous support and
               constant encouragement in development of the e-Atlas.  We are obliged to Dr. A.K. Sikka, Ex-DDG
               (NRM), Dr. K. Alagusundaram, DDG (NRM), Dr. J.C. Katyal, Ex-Vice Chancellor, CCSHAU,
               Hisar, Ex-Directors of ICAR-IISS, Bhopal, Drs. P.N. Takkar, C.L. Acharya, and A. Subbarao, Dr.
               S.K. Sanyal, Ex-Vice Chancellor, BCKV, Kalyani, Dr. A.K. Singh, Ex-Vice Chancellor, RVSKVV,
               Gwalior and Dr. V.S. Tomar, Ex-Vice Chancellor, JNKVV, Jabalpur, and Dr. B. Mandal, Professor,
               BCKV, Kalyani, for their technical advice and suggestions. Our special thanks to Dr. Panjab Singh,
               NAAS  President  and  Dr.  A.K.  Singh,  DDG  (Extension)  for  their  valuable  suggestions  for
               comprehensive planning in preparation of the publication.  We are highly thankful to Dr.  A.K. Patra,
               Director, ICAR-IISS, Bhopal for his consistent encouragement and support.

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