Page 18 - index
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Agro-ecological subregion wise  mapping

               Depending  upon the soil,  bioclimatic  type  and  physiographic  situations,  the  country
               has  been  grouped  into  20  agro-eco  regions  (AERs)  and  60  agro-eco  subregions
               (AESRs).  We  have  covered  58  AESRs  for  mapping  micronutrient  deficiency  by
               collecting and analyzing more than 2.00 lakh soil samples during 2011-2017 (Table 2.2
               and Map 1 to 5).

               Western Himalayas region

               The Western  Himalayas,  AER  is cold  arid  eco-region  covering  15.2  mha  area,  which  is
               subdivided  into AESR  1.1 (eastern  aspect  of  Ladakh  Plateau),  and  AESR  1.2  (western
               aspect of Ladakh  Plateau  and north  Kashmir  Himalayas). The major soil type of the region
               is skeletal and calcareous  which  can  be  further  classified into Cryorthents and  Cryorthids.
               The  major  part  of cultivated  area  is under  vegetables  followed  by millets,  wheat, fodder,
               pulses  and barley.  The  deficiency  of  Zn  and Fe was  generally absent,  whereas 4.3, 4.4
               and  34.5% soil samples were deficient  i n   Cu, Mn and  B, respectively (Table 2.2).

               Western Plain and Kachchh region

               This  AER,  extending  from  Kachchh  and  part  of  Kathiawar  Peninsula  to  southwestern
               parts  of  Punjab  and Haryana  and  western  parts of Rajasthan covers  an area of 31.9 m ha,
               which  is  9.78  per  cent  of  the  total  geographical  area  of the  country. The  dominant  soils
               representing the  area  are  gently  to  very  gently  sloping Torripsamments , Camborthids and
               Calciorthids, interspersed  with  level to  very  gently sloping Salorthids  and Natrargids.  The
               area  is  under  rainfed  mono-cropping  (traditional)  agriculture,  such  as  pearl  millet,  chali
               (fodder)  and  pulses  in some  of  the  non-saline  area.  Highest  Zn  deficiency  (76.9%)  was
               recorded  in  the  region  of  Marusthali  (ESR  2.1)  having  shallow  and  deep  sandy  desert
               soils. Deficiency of  Fe  was  high  (60%)  in  the  region  of Kachchh  Peninsula  (AESR  2.2)
               followed  by Marusthali  hot and  hyper-arid  ESR  (45.9%)  and South  Kachchh (AESR  2.4)
               and  North  Kathiawar  Peninsula  (45.7%).  Copper  and  Mn  deficiency  was  higher  in
               Marusthali hyper arid ESR with 21 and 39%, respectively.  Deficiency of B was prevalent  in
               the  area  of  Kachchh  peninsula  (22.0%)  and  South  Kachchh  (AESR  2.4)  and  North
               Kathiawar Peninsula (18.7%).

               Table 2.2. Status of micronutrients deficiency in the soils of different AERs

                AER                   AESR                                  Zn     Fe     Cu    Mn       B

                                      1.2  Western  Aspect  of  Ladakh
                1. Western            Plateau   and    north   Kashmir
                Himalayas, cold arid  Himalayas,  cold  to  cool,  typic-arid   0.0   0.0   4.4   4.4   34.5
                eco-region (A13E1)    ESR  with  shallow,  loamy  skeletal
                                      soils, low AWC and LGP 60-90 days
                                      Weighted average                     0.0     0.0    4.4    4.4   34.5
                2. Western Plain,     2.1  Marusthali  hot,  hyper  arid  ESR
                Kachchh and part of   with shallow and deep sandy desert   76.9   45.9   20.9   38.9    2.5
                Kathiawar Peninsula,  soils very low AWC and LGP < 60
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