Page 19 - index
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hot arid eco-region   days (M9Eh1).
                (M9E1)                2.2 Kachchh Peninsula (Great Rann
                                      of  Kutch  as  inclusion),  hot  hyper-
                                      arid ESR with deep loamy saline and   50.0   60.0   0.0    4.0   22.0
                                      alkali soils, low AWC and LGP <60
                                      days (L12Eh1)
                                      2.3  Rajasthan  Bagar,  North  Gujarat
                                      Plain  and  South-Western  Punjab
                                      Plain, hot typic- arid ESR with deep,
                                      loamy  desert  soils  (inclusion  of   35.8   40.5   7.6   15.9   4.6
                                      saline  phase),  low  AWC  and  LGP
                                      60-90 days (M9Et2).
                                      2.4  South  Kachchh  and  North
                                      Kathiawar  Peninsula,  hot  arid  ESR
                                      with  deep  loamy  saline  and  alkali   37.1   45.7   0.6   1.4   18.7
                                      soils, low AWC and LGP 60-90 days
                                      Weighted average                    46.8   42.5    10.4   20.5    4.5
                                      3.0  Karnataka  Plateau  (Rayalseema
                                      as inclusion), hot arid ESR with deep
                3. Deccan plateau,    loamy  and  clayey  mixed  Red  and
                hot arid eco          Black  soils,  low  to  medium  AWC   34.9   21.5   2.7    1.5   10.4
                subregions (K6E2)     and LGP 60-90 days (K6Et2).

                                      Weighted average                    34.9   21.5     2.7    1.5   10.4
                                      4.1  North  Punjab  Plain,  Ganga-
                                      Yamuna     Doab   and   Rajasthan
                                      Upland,  hot  semi-arid  ESR  with
                                      deep  loamy  alluvium-derived  soils   23.0   16.8   3.0   24.4   14.8
                                      (occasional saline and sodic phases),
                                      medium AWC and LGP 90-120 days
                                      4.2 North Gujarat Plain (inclusion of
                                      Aravalli  range  and  east  Rajasthan
                                      Uplands), hot dry semiarid ESR with
                4. Northern Plain     deep  loamy  Gray  Brown  and       26.7   22.4     0.7    5.6   21.2
                (and Central          alluvium-derived   soils,   medium
                Highlands) including  AWC  and  LGP  90-120  days
                Aravallis, hot semi-  (P14Dd3).
                arid ecoregion        4.3    Ganga    Yamuna      Doab,
                (N8D2)                Rohilkhand  and  Avadah  Plain,  hot
                                      moist  semi-arid  ESR  with  deep,
                                      loamy alluvium-derived soils (sodic   36.1   5.3    3.9   12.4   21.1
                                      phase  inclusion),  medium  to  high
                                      AWC  and  LGP  120-150  days
                                      4.4  Madhya  Bharat  Plateau  and
                                      Bundelkhand  Uplands,  hot,  moist
                                      semi-arid ESR with Deep loamy and
                                      clayey mixed Red and                59.8   12.5     3.2    8.2    8.8
                                      Black  soils,  medium  to  high  AWC
                                      and LGP 90-120 days (N6Dm4).
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