Page 21 - index
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semiarid ecoregion    to clayey mixed Red and Black soils,
                (K6D2)                medium AWC and LGP 90-120 days
                                      7.2  North  Telangana  Plateau,  hot
                                      moist  semi-arid  ESR  with  deep
                                      loamy  and  clayey  mixed  Red  and   31.8   13.1   5.3    3.7   32.7
                                      Black  soils,  medium  to  very  high
                                      AWC  and  LGP  120-150  days
                                      7.3 Eastern Ghat (South), hot moist
                                      semi-arid/dry  subhumid  ESR  with
                                      medium  to  deep,  loamy  to  clayey   15.8   6.9   2.8    2.1    4.4
                                      mixed Red and Black soils, medium
                                      AWC  and  LGP  150-180  days
                                      Weighted average                    27.1   11.9     3.8    3.1   23.9
                                      8.1  Tamil  Nadu  Uplands  and
                                      Leeward Flanks of South Sahyadris,
                                      hot  dry  semi-arid  ESR  with
                                      moderately  deep  to  deep,  loamy  to   73.3   18.8   17.9   6.0   23.3
                                      clayey,  mixed  Red  and  Black  soils,
                8. Eastern Ghats and  medium AWC and LGP 90-120 days
                Tamil Nadu Uplands    (H6Dd3).
                and Deccan            8.2  Central  Karnataka  Plateau,  hot
                (Karnataka) Plateau,  moist semi-arid ESR with medium to
                hot semiarid eco-     deep Red loamy soils, low AWC and   53.2   11.0     5.2    2.7   49.3
                region (H1D2)         LGP 120- 150 days (K1Dm4).
                                      8.3 Tamil Nadu Uplands and Plains,
                                      hot  moist  semi-arid  ESR  with  deep   62.4   13.0   0.9   11.9   22.5
                                      red loamy soils, low AWC and LGP
                                      120-150 days (H1Dm4).
                                      Weighted average                    63.0     0.2    5.6    8.7   28.5
                                      9.1  Punjab  and  Rohilkhand  Plains,
                                      hot  dry/moist  subhumid  transitional
                                      ESR  with  deep,  loamy  to  clayey
                                      alluvium-derived (inclusion of saline   20.1   11.4   2.3   28.4   11.9
                                      and  sodic  phases)  soils,  medium
                9. Northern Plain, hot  AWC  and  LGP  120-150  days
                subhumid (dry) eco-   (N8Cm/Cd4).
                region (N8C3)         9.2  Rohilkhand,  Avadh  and  south
                                      Bihar Plains, hot dry subhumid ESR
                                      with  deep  loamy  alluvium-derived   38.4   18.7   1.8    6.2   31.8
                                      soils,  medium  to  high  AWC  and
                                      LGP 150-180 days (N8Cd5).
                                      Weighted average                    32.8   16.5     2.0   13.0   25.9
                                      10.1  Malwa  Plateau,  Vindhyan
                                      Scarpland and  Narmada Valley,  hot
                10. Central Highlands  dry subhumid ESR with medium and
                (Malwa and            deep clayey Black soils             68.8   15.8     1.8    3.3    0.4
                Bundelkhand), hot     (shallow  loamy  Black  soils  as
                subhumid (dry) eco-   inclusion), high AWC and LGP 150-
                region (I6C3(4)
                                      180 days (15Cd5).
                                      10.2    Satpura    and    Eastern   58.5   26.7     0.2    4.5    0.7
                                      Maharashtra   Plateau,   hot   dry
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