Page 24 - index
P. 24

16.1 Foot-hills of Eastern Himalayas
                                      (Bhutan foot-hills), warm to hot per
                                      humid ESR with shallow to medium,
                                      loamy-skeletal to loamy Tarai soils,   20.1   0.7   1.4    0.0   13.9
                                      low to medium AWC and LGP 270-
                                      300 days (C10A9).
                                      16.2   Darjeeling   and    Sikkim
                16. Eastern           Himalayas,  warm  perhumid  ESR
                Himalayas, warm       with shallow to medium deep loamy    8.9     0.0   10.0    1.1   26.5
                perhumid eco-region   Brown  and  Red  Hill  soils,  low  to
                (C11A5)               medium  AWC  and  LGP  300  days
                                      16.3  Arunachal  Pradesh  (Subdued
                                      Eastern  Himalayas),  warm  to  hot
                                      perhumid  ESR  with  deep,  loamy  to   3.1   1.4   1.2    4.8   45.5
                                      clayey  Red  Loamy  soils,  low  to
                                      medium  AWC  and  LGP  300  days
                                      Weighted average                     4.2     1.3    1.5    4.5   41.7
                                      17.1   Meghalaya    Plateau   land
                                      Nagaland  Hill,  warm  to  hot  moist
                                      humid  to  perhumid  ESR  with
                                      medium  to  deep  loamy  to  clayey   4.9    2.8    0.9    2.7   11.3
                17. North-eastern     Red  and  Lateritic  soils,  medium
                Hills (Purvachal),    AWC  and  LGP  270-300+  days
                warm perhumid         (D2A9).
                ecoregion (D2A5)      17.2  Purvachal  (Eastern  Range),
                                      warm  to  hot  perhumid  ESR  with
                                      medium  to  deep  loamy  Red  and    9.9     1.7    2.0    4.0   20.3
                                      Yellow soils,  low to  medium  AWC
                                      and LGP 300 days (D3A10).
                                      Weighted average                     7.1     2.3    1.4    3.3   16.5
                                      18.1  South  Tamil  Nadu  Plains
                                      (Coastal),  hot  dry  semi-arid  ESR
                                      with deep, loamy to clayey, alkaline
                                      Coastal and deltaic alluvium-derived   76.7   8.2   23.8   3.2   33.6
                                      soils,  medium  AWC  and  LGP  90-
                                      120 days (S7Dd3).
                                      18.2  North  Tamil  Nadu  Plains
                                      (Coastal),  hot  moist  semi-arid  ESR
                                      with  deep,  clayey  and  cracking
                18. Eastern Coastal   Coastal  land  Deltaic  alluvium    44.9     7.8    6.1    9.6    2.4
                Plain, hot subhumid   derived  soils,  high  AWC  and  LGP
                to semiarid ecoregion  120-150 days (S7Dm4).
                                      18.3 Andhra Plain, hot dry subhumid
                                      ESR  with  deep,  clayey  Coastal  and
                                      Deltaic  alluvium-derived  soils,  low   13.9   11.5   0.7   2.3   7.4
                                      to medium AWC and LGP 150-180
                                      days (S7Cd5).
                                      18.4  Utkal  Plain  and  East  Godavari
                                      Delta,  hot  dry  subhumid  ESR  with
                                      deep,  loamy  to  clayey  Coastal  and   20.3   6.1   4.4   3.2   22.2
                                      deltaic  alluvium  derived  soils,
                                      medium  AWC  and  LGP  180-210
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