Report under Section 25(3) of
the Right to Information Act, for the period of April to June 2024
pertaining to ICAR-IISS, Bhopal
of application received during I quarter (April to June
The total of number of requests
made to each public authority (Apr. 2022- Mar., 2023)
The number of decisions where applicants
were not entitled to access to the documents pursuant to
the requests, the provisions of this act under which these
decisions were made and the number of times such provisions
were invoked.
The number of appeals referred
to the Central Information Commission or State Information
Commission as the case may be, for review, the nature of
the appeals of the administration of the appeals.
Particulars of any disciplinary
action taken against any officer in respect of the administration
of this Act.
The amount of charges collected
by each public authority under this Act.
Rs. 30/-
Any facts which indicates
an efforts by the public authorities to administer and implement
the spirit and intention of this Act.
Suo moto disclosures, Tenders, Events, Projects, ICAR
PERMIS Net, Telephone Directory and Email IDs etc. are displayed
on the Institute website.
Recommendations for reform,
including recommendations in respect of the particulars
public authorities, for the development, improvement, modernization
reform or amendment to this Act or other legislation or
common low or any other matter relevant for operationalising
the right to access information.
Norms for discharge of functions [Section 4(1)(b)(iv)]
The duties in the admiin/ Finance section have been
allotted to the different Officers as per functional
requirement of the Institute and also Guidelines of
the ICAR.
Click here ...
Rules, regulations, instructions manual and records
for discharging functions [Section 4(1)(b)(v)]
Manner of execution of subsidy programme [Section 4(i)(b)(xii)]
Not applicable
Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits of
authorizations granted by the public authority [Section
4(1) (b) (xiii)]
Not applicable
CAG & PAC paras [F No. 1/6/2011- IR dt. 15.4.2013]
Not applicable
Particulars for any arrangement for consultation with
or representation by the members of the public in relation
to the formulation of policy or implementation there
of [Section 4(1)(b)(vii)] [F No 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.04.2013]
Particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining
information [Section 4(1)(b)(xv)]
The library service of the institute is available
throughout the year (except gazetted & national holidays)
The timings of Library as working days 10:00 AM to 5:00
Director, ICAR-IISS Bhopal
Phone: (O) : 0755-2730946 Ext. 131 (O)
Fax: 0755-2733310
Such other information as may be prescribed under section
4(i) (b)(xvii)
Guidelines for Indian Government Websites (GIGW) is
followed (released in February, 2009 and included in
the Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedures
(CSMOP) by Department of Administrative Reforms and
Public Grievances, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance
and Pensions, Govt. Of India)
STQC certification is in
under process. ICAR advised us to host our institute
website in IASRI data centre, after that only we may
get STQC certification